October 4, 2022
The Keys To Pre-Met’s Success During Tough Times It is not always easy to identify what makes your company successful. However, one of the characteristics of defining what a company does best often has to be pointed out by a third party. This is because in the optimum cases, it is normally part of the DNA of the organisation. Therefore, an objective third party view can give valuable insights into the how and why of your success. 2019 - A Time For Much Needed Change At the end of 2019 it was obvious to the new management team what historically wasn't working well. However, almost 3 years on, we need to step back to reflect and take ourselves out of the business to refresh our minds about what has been achieved in a period of global, national and local change. In that time period, there were such upheavals that have been rarely experienced to this level before, certainly not in most peoples' lifetimes anyway.